Promotional Toolkit

Promotional Toolkit

Help us spread the word about IUMS 2026!

Please find below the promotional toolkit for IUMS 2026, including the official banners, presentation slides and more. We invite you to use the materials to promote IUMS 2026 within your network, on social media platforms, in lectures and meetings.

Should you require a different size banner, please contact us.

Please post a link on your website and event calendar with the banners below.

Should you require a different size banner, please contact us.








Include the below banner in your e-mail signature.

Kindly insert in your journals and event programs, and print and post on notice boards in your hospitals and institutions.

Advert A4 (For print)

Please add at the end of your presentations, at appropriate meetings, and show on screens at events between presentations.

PPT 16:9

Download the official IUMS 2026 letterhead.





Facebook and LinkedIn Sharing Image